K-12 Science Education Standards
Efforts of General Atomics Scientists to Improve California K-12 Science Education and Additional Background Information about the California Science Standards and California Science Framework
- California Political Science Education by Lawrence Woolf, American Physical Society Forum on Education Summer 2005 Newsletter
- Richard Hake's review of the 2004 K-8 Science Instructional Materials Criteria decision.
- Incorrect "correct" answers to test questions from the CA science standards test. Note also the incorrect answer to problem 2 in the 5th grade science test at:
Scanning electron microscopes cannot take pictures of atoms or molecules. The physics questions are now at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/documents/rtqphysics.pdf. - "Scientific Teaching," Science volume 304, p. 521, 23 April 2004.
- Letter against the January 16, 2004 Draft Criteria for Evaluating K-8 Science Instructional Materials from CEOs, University Presidents, and all 10 UC Chancellors
- Unpublished op-ed article by Lawrence Woolf submitted to the San Jose Mercury News concerning the draft Criteria for Evaluating K-8 Science Instructional Materials
- The End of Hands-On Science Activities in California's K-8 Classrooms? By Lawrence Woolf & Richard Hake (An unpublished op-ed submitted to the San Diego Union Tribune on January 2, 2004)
- 9 Page Briefing Regarding the January 16, 2004 Draft Criteria for Evaluating K-8 Instructional Materials for California's Students
- Overview of the Impact of Activity-Based Teaching Strategies on Learning Science" by Heide Doss-Hammel, San Diego State University: Center for Research in Mathematics & Science Education, 2004
- L. Woolf letter to California State Board of Education regarding the 1/16/04 Draft Criteria for Evaluating K-8 Instructional Materials
- Lawrence Woolf 1/16/04 testimony to the California Curriculum Commission regarding hands-on science limitation (PDF 52KB)
- History of the Development of the California Science Content Standards by Dr. Ted Schultz of the APS Department of Education and Outreach, July 30, 1998
- Critique of Proposed California Science Content Standards by the Education Department of the American Physical Society, August 21, 1998
- Testimony Before the California Academic Standards Commission by Bruce Alberts, President, National Academy of Sciences, 6 May 1998
- Physics ListServ discussion thread regarding California Science Framework - click on light bulb at top to see responses from list members
- A Review of: "The State of the State Standards" - an article by Gerald W. Bracey about the Fordham Foundation report grading the state standards
- Richard Feynman's experiences with the California science education materials adoption process