General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation (GASEF)

2013 GA Participants in GASSSS Program

These participants have submitted a final GASSSS application. 

If your name is not on this list and you have participated in the GASSSS program, please contact Larry Woolf at

GA GASSSS Participant  Company  School Materials Purchased Activity
Carlos Lin GA-ASI Capri Elementary, Encinitas, CA Materials for Lego Mindstorm robot Mentoring students, discuss prototyping and testing, give presentation on how robotics
Daren Wade GA-ASI The Classical Academy, Escondido, CA Event fees for First Lego League Robotics competition Lead coach and mentor for the Jr. First Lego League Robotics program for grades 1-3
James Linlor GA-ASI The Rhoades School, Encinitas, CA Purchase Mindstorm Lego Robotics equipment and software Talking about my career, the uses of math and science in my job and what I had to study, and giving a presentation on Synthetic Aperture Radar and its uses on the Predator for DoD, environmental, and public safety missions.
Landon Carlson GA-ASI San Diego Science Olympiad Supplies for middle and high school students I wil be event captain administering one event at this competition.  
Richard Stephens GA San Diego Science Olympiad Materials  for middle and high school students Event captain for Mission Possible for middle school and Technical Problem Solving for high school.
Kassi Marshall GA-ASI San Diego Science Olympiad Supplies for  high school students I wil be event captain administering one event at the high school competition.  
Brian Parris GA-ASI San Diego Science Olympiad Supplies for high school students I wil be event captain administering one event at the high school competition.  
Michael Deshler GA-ASI Ada Harris Elementary School; Cardiff, CA Purchase 4 screens  for 6th grade classroom Talking about my career.  Discussing Computer science careers and paths to success.
Victoria Wilson GA-ASI Painted Rock Elementary, Poway, CA 2 microscopes and prepared slides;  Math Magnetic Boards and Division Collision Game Assist in teaching children to use microscope, make observations, characterize plants/animals, use tools to analyze information.  Aid teacher with math.
David Norton GA-ASI Torrey Pines Elementary, La Jolla CA Misc science materials Assist 4th grade (3 classes) tour of the USS Midway that will cap their Electricity and Magnetism Science section; relate electrical and magnet issues on the ship and aircraft to what they have learned in the classroom.
Jeff Sheeron GA (ITER) Longfellow Elementary; San Diego, CA Purchase of "Lego Mindstorms Education NXT Software and Site License".   Demonstrating the Lego Mindstorm robot capabilities to a 3rd grade class.  Demonstrating the programming environment and how software can be used to automate and control the robot.
James Ferrell GA-ASI/RSG Vintage Hills Elementary; Temecula, CA The funds were used to provide 2 tablets for use in the classroom for science Apps such as Physics Sketchpad, Anatomy 3D, 3D Brain, Physics Gizmo, and Google Sky.   I gave an overview of lasers to the class, then proceeded to give them examples from programs I have worked on in the past.  During the presentation, I had multiple students get up and act out different "laser" functions, such as photons moving in random directions, then having them line up coherently between 2 mirrors.
Ray Bernier GA-ASI Alamosa Park Elementary; Oceanside, CA Materials for electromagnetism experiments I will be leading the 5th grade students in electromagnetic experiments, discussing the formula behind the experiment and how to calculate the expected results.  
Chris Geraci GA-ASI Murrieta Springs Adventist Christian Academy (MSACA), Murrieta, CA Glencoe Physical Science with Earth Science, Teacher Classroom Resources and Levenhuk 320 Biological Microscope for the science lab. Delivered a PowerPoint presentation on Meteorology to the 5th -10th grade students.  
Timothy Scott GA-ASI Casillas Elementary School. Chula Vista, CA Purchase Styrofoam and balsa wood model aircraft to be used in class and after the lecture.  Provide a general overview brief on the fundamentals of flight using a power point slide show, large Styrofoam hobby aircraft, and small balsa wood aircraft for the students to fly. There will be three rotations of 12 students for a total 36 who will receive the lecture. After the lecture is complete, the students will watch a basic flight demonstration of the topics covered. The students will then assemble the balsa wood aircraft and fly/observe them to test their hypotheses on control surface movement.
Kyle Wirth GA-ASI San Elijo Elementary, San Marcos, CA Microscope, slides, litmus paper, safety glasses and flash drives. I will talk about my career to 5th graders, setup the microscope and show them some sample slides (Wide assortment of specimen glass slides of animal tissues, insect parts, plant parts, etc. for students to learn science
Linden P. Blue GA-ASI La Jolla High School, La Jolla, CA Physics class supplies: LED, robot kits Presentation to 3 physics classes on nuclear fusion. Presented plasma and magnetism concepts with Rick Lee, using various existing demonstration props, to illustrate the effect ofthese principles in man-made nuclear fusion.
Jovana Ho GA-ASI The Institute of the Americas Science and Innovation Summer Camp at UCSD 9 Junior Solar Sprint Kits and misc electrical and construction materials Help students build solar cars, investigate advanced informatics, and  focus on how science can serve society, especially through innovation in Latin America in the areas of environment, climate change, and alternative energy.  
Mark Wintersmith GA-ASI 5th annual International Robotics Competition at Fleet Science Museum  The funds were used to purchase equipment for the robotics obstacle course Competition score keeper, assisted with awards presentation, helped with tear down of facility.
Dave Fisher GA  Meadowbrook Middle School, Poway, CA Purchase Clawbot kit robot for use in the Science Olympiad Robo-Cross Competition Coaching Science Olympiad Robotics event "Robo Cross", once weekly from 10/10/13-2/8/14
Claudia Mowery GA-ASI Richland Elementary School, San Marcos, CA Purchase of owl pellets to demonstrate the topic of "Ecosystems – Producers & Consumers" Impart lesson to all fourth grade classes (143
 children throughout the entire day).
Ken Borchik GA-ASI Escondido Adventist Academy (EAA), Escondido, CA Energy and Motion Lab (x4) for  Integration into the Physics program for grades 9 through 12 in identifying, demonstrating, and calculating motion, energy, and force. Mechanical Engineer (Matt Whigham) and I gave a lecture on the basic aspects of Unmanned Air Vehicles and Principals of Flight. We brought airfoils, model aircraft (with moving flight controls), and static aircraft models along with a power point presentation.   
Jonathan Wahlmann GA-ASI Stone Ranch Elementary School, San Diego, CA  iPad-mini for use in the classroom to assist in lesson delivery  Participated in thePadres Science Day at the ballpark as a chaperone for the class. In this capacity I provided guidance and answers to questions the kids had during science demonstrations put on by General Atomics and other organizations.
Steven P. Jensen GA-ASI/MS Heritage Christian School, San Diego, CA  Buy the school 2 new microscopes and accessories  I gave a presentation that included, where I work, the kinds of things GA does, and what I do. The meat of the presentation was on laser tweezers, how they work, what they are used for and some demonstrations showing what they can do.